Monthly Archives: March 2023

Blizzard 0f ’93

Blizzard of 93 3/14/93
Day 1
Ice houses A connection Digging into our primal past Sitting in a hole The way we used to do it Eons ago when the air was fresh The water was clean And the earth was full of life Our instincts told us Winter was a season of rest But now in the Blizzard of 93 I wonder if even When the snow is all melted Will the winter ever end?
Day 2
If the hand of God touches the mortal being at all It is in the time of need When the self Breaks through the ego And commits unselfish acts For the good of someone Other than itself Natural disaster, A state of emergency The spirit of a community Drawn from within Causes the most hardened of human hearts To blossom like a flower And then just for that instant There is hope.