Spring Beauty
A trillium blooms
in woodland
where I walk
its burgundy petals
withered leaves
I don’t pick it
how fragile
and short lived
this spring beauty is
hope that others
passing by
will notice
its symmetry
of threes
I photograph
the enchanting flower
standing erect
beneath trees
like me
a springtime wayfarer
in budding grove
New issue now available!
In the ‘zine’ Olive Trees, I’d like to expose you to art, literature and editorial comment, which I am proud to be the editor for the last 26 years. At some date I am hoping to turn this “zine” into it’s own web-site, possibly even a pod cast.
Olive Trees Cover, Issue 1, 1986
test text of the olive trees magazine if you really car. but sometimes zI don’t
But if i do not stop
If you wish to obtain any old issues (which will be previewed here eventually) please stuff a donation of two bucks for shipping and handling of each issue in an envelope and send it to:
Olive Trees144 Genesee St., Suite 123
Auburn, NY 13021
Please include the number of the issue you would like to receive. Also if you would like to send something to be published in an upcoming issue send it to the same address.
How have you been? Haven’t had any magazines send to me in long time. I haven’t written any new poems in long time. After my family and me gotten the COVID-19, nothing has been written just don’t have the energy.
I’m just finishing one up. It has a few of your poems in it. Hoping to have it in your mailbox before Christmas. How are you doing?