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In 1987

In 1987, we moved to the town of Niles to a small stretch of road which for a time became affectionately known as ‘Carrot Junction.’ It was made up of three houses on Grange Hall Road; our house, the home of the Age family and the Wakely’s, where the Niles Gourmet Bistro is today. It achieved its nickname due to the fact we were all vegetarians and organic farmers. There became a tradition of Saturday night pot luck dinners at the Wakely’s. Both Dale Wakely and Dan Age were ministers at that time, Dale Congregationalist, Dan Baptist. Often there was a diverse group of house guests that included 7th Day Adventists, TM teachers, psychenauts and NewAge philosophers from Dan’s health food store, the Greene family and us.  After dinner, while the women talked in the kitchen, the conversation among the men usually centered on environmental spirituality.

One afternoon, I was walking with Dan Age, when he was discussing a premise raised at the pot luck. It was in regards to the symbolism of the cross. He pointed out that it was much more than the crucifixion. He believed it went back to the translation of Genesis. It was his belief that man was not put on earth to have dominion over the planet and its resources but to be the stewards. That humankind had been placed as a pole connecting the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother. The Father being in charge of all that is of the spirit and the Mother all things of substance. That we, as the stewards were the arms of the cross, connecting to all the creatures, the plants, the earth and stones, the water and the air. This is why we were put here to teach the natural law, and build the kingdom on earth by taking care of all around us to provide for generations to come. Somewhere this has been lost and is not the role we have taken on.

Unfortunately in this day and age we have separated ourselves from the environment. Chief  Irving Powless Jr. states in his book, “Who Are These People Anyway,” the difference between those that came after and the Indigenous people, is that we have separated ourselves from the environment, whereas the Native American can only think one way and that is they are the environment and act accordingly. Perhaps we need to once more start thinking of ourselves as a part of the whole. Realize the bottom line should not be profit, but health and happiness. It may well be a matter of survival for us as a species.

So let us start here with prayers of gratitude for the water.




September 27th at ‘word revisited’

A Love Supreme, A Love Supreme

And it was a love fest at the Carriage House behind the Cayuga Museum as Martin Willitts Jr. took the podium on Thursday evening. It was the second installment of the fall season in the ‘word revisited’ program hosted there the second and fourth Thursday of each month for five weeks by the on-line literary magazine, “aaduna,” the creative writing and other visual arts publication, “Olive Trees,” and the Cayuga Museum. Martin expressed that evening he would be reading poems about love from the many books he had written.

Especially impressive was the portion of the 15 minute long poem in tribute to the composition of John Coltrane’s, “A Love Supreme.” Martin had composed it while listening to the piece and typing feverously along with the rhythm.

He told stories of his background, culminating with the one about winning the “Dylan Thomas International Poetry Contest and his trip to Wales to receive the award. It turned out that the poem he had submitted was entitled, “Daffodils,” which is the ‘national flower of Wales.’ He couldn’t be sure if the coincidence may have helped him win. He read the poem containing many interesting facts about daffodils entwined within the verses.

After a break, five poets took the microphone at the open mic. I led off about sleeping in my son’s room and the nostalgia in its contents. Heidi Nightengale followed, speaking of the early morning sounds and their inspiration. Linda Griggs started her set exclaiming that she had “Enough!” Jennifer Mahoney invited the listener to share her “Volunteering” for all things pleasurable. The evening concluded with the flames of social injustice being fanned by the pen of Jim Ellis.

The next feature will be Karen Faris, who will entertain us with a new chapter in her incredible performances of the written word.

Getting Into Gear

Stuck in neutral, I step on to the clutch of life and get into gear.

At a higher revolution my heart fills rapidly, allowing me to be transformed.

This is my choice on this day to make it a day of celebration, a magical day of enchantment,

Communing with all round, knowing I can touch the sky.

Give thanks

According to my calendar it’s time to give thanks.

I give thanks that we are no longer overtly killing “Original People.” I give thanks that racism is at least being discussed. I give thanks that there were women’s marches when Trump was inaugerated. I give thanks that there seems to be more enlightened people. I give thanks that the ‘word revisited’ series has created a community in Auburn. I give thanks for my many friends.

Exciting News about the Word Revisited

The Cayuga Museum in partnership with Olive Trees and aaduna will kick-off a new community series exploring original writing in all its diverse, intriguing, provocative, and exciting forms.  Simply called word, revisited,” this bi-monthly series will present a featured writer, poet, and other creative individuals who primarily use words to define and construct their artistry and means of expression.

Starting in March 2017, “word, revisited” will enable participants to listen to, and then react to what they heard, what they felt, what moved them via a Q&A period with the presenter.  After a brief intermission, the stage will host an open mic period for further expressions of creativity. Sign up for this community “sharing” will occur at the door before the program starts and time limitations will be determined by the number of willing sharers.

Here are the details:

  • word, revisited” will occur on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month starting on March 9th and conclude its inaugural season on June 22nd
  • Each event will occur in Theater Mack, behind the Cayuga Museum
  • Admission will be $3/person.
  • Doors open at 5:30 PM (open mic sharers are encouraged to sign-in early for an available slot)
  • Program starts at 6 PM and the evening comes to closure at 8 PM (approximate ending.)
  • Wine and beer available for purchase with proper ID along with soft drinks.

Women’s March January 21st

Seneca Falls, New York (e-release). Women March in Seneca Falls 2017 is an opportunity on January 21 to participate in solidarity with the Women’s March on Washington to demonstrate the strength, power, and courage of women in America. The March begins at 10am with an outdoor rally at the Women’s Rights National Historical Park, 136 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, New York, site of the first convention for women’s rights held in 1848.

Marchers are asked to convene at First Amendment Declaration Park, between Visitor’s Center & Wesleyan Chapel, and wear white, purple or gold hat/cap, gloves, scarves to highlight colors worn by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and activist Suffragettes as an instant means of visual recognition of their women’s rights movement.

Historic Seneca Falls is the US Birthplace of Women’s Rights; it was chosen for this local march by central New York organizers as a reminder to EVERY local, state, and national elected and appointed government official that women’s rights activists are carrying on the political traditions of their foremothers. Organizer and event spokesperson, Melina Carnicelli, said, “As a result of the 2016 US election cycle, women are recommitted to be ever vigilant in their political activism. Women, and men, who support the hard-fought gains made over the past 150 years, are watching that rights belonging to women MUST NEVER BE DIMINISHED in our country, only uplifted. We call on all supporters of women’s rights as human rights to walk with us on January 21.”

Marchers will walk the five block route from First Amendment Declaration Park to First Presbyterian Church on Cayuga Street, where Alice Paul in a 1923 speech introduced what has become known as the proposed Equal Rights Amendment. A 2-hour indoor rally at the Church is free and open to all at the end of the march route. The program schedule features speakers and musical performances on political issues of deep concern to activists throughout the United States. “Call to Action” information tables by local civic groups will be located in the annex building adjacent to the Church.

Women March in Seneca Falls 2017 is an inclusive march and is free to join

Dump Trump

Women love me cos’ I’m so powerful

Cos’ they see me on the news

They can tell I’m a celebrity

So I get any women I choose


They know they want me and they need me

You can tell by the look in their eyes

And you know if they’re real lucky

I’ll give them a big surprise


I mean look at that babe walking down the street

If she spies me she’ll want us to meet

I won’t let her see me, I’ll just be that kind

Otherwise I’ll probably have to pat her behind


Women love me cos’ I’m so powerful

Cos’ they see me on the news

They can tell I’m a celebrity

So I get any women I choose


The Flock of Free Range Children and Beth Miller at Auburn Public Theater – Feb 28, 2016

Last fall, “The Flock of Free Range Children” began corroborating with Ms. Beth Miller on a project of putting some of William Blake’s poems to music, along with a Reader’s Theater and Art Show. The pictures on this page were taken by Margaret Sullivan at the culmination (so far) of this performance at Auburn Public Theater, The show was well received and we look forward to doing it again with her in the future. Now it is time for the Flock to turn their focus on their Spring Concert to be held from Sunday, March 20, from 2-4 pm at the Theater Mack in Auburn.

The Willard Chapel Concert by the Flock of Free Range Children

On March 15th, 2015 the Flock of Free Range Children performed a benefit concert for the Community Preservation Committee, Inc. to help raise money for the restoration of the Willard Chapel. We raised over $500 for the cause. We will be posting photos like these in the future.

_MG_9697cropfrom left to right Dan Cleveland, Ron van Nostrand, Dee Dusharm’s hair, Linda Webster, John Davis, Marjorie Witty and Don Watkins. Stay tuned for more.

Profound thought number 2 in an infinite series

Watching television news for me is sometimes a very scary proposition. All the stories about ISIS, serial killers and super storms cause me great apprehension. Then I go into my attic and see that there is a much better chance of all the stuff I have stored above my living space crushing me than any of the aforementioned leading to my demise. The saddest part is that I really do have the ability to change that situation and don’t, yet spend so much time worrying about the aforementioned things with which I can exercise little or no control.