An explanation

New visitors may wonder what Olive Trees, the Olive Trees Picnic has to do with a web-site entitled When I started this site with the encouragement of others, I wasn’t quite sure where I was going with it. There was a decision made to call it because there are other areas which I am involved beside the zine, Olive Trees, the picnic that resulted from the desire to give back to the artists and the donors that are so responsible in making the zine a reality and Olive Trees Meditational Garden which is where I have grown and flourished for the last twenty 26 years this October.

But I could not do a web-site without including the Olive Trees entity, because like it or not, for doing one thing for so long, it has become a definite part of who I am. It can be argued that perhaps it should be on its own. In the future this well may happen, but for now let us start simply.

So if you are looking for Olive trees related items; back issues, new issues, new works, artist information click on olive trees (the words) on the subject line and you can find things in this regard.

Also I would like to post new submissions on the site, so there will be more content available for our readers that can fit into the magazine. So please when sending things, in express your permission if you wish it to have your items posted on the web-site.

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